Get Involved! Secular Week of Action, April 26 to May 5, 2024

If you are someone who believes that taking ethical action is more useful than participating in a National Day of Prayer, then the Secular Week of Action is for you! Here in Central New York we have 2 events planned to help you get involved.

4/19-5/5 Secular Week Of Action Blood Drive Central New York Humanist Association

04-19-2024 - 05-05-2024

The Central New York Humanist Association is working with the American Red Cross to hold a virtual blood drive for the Secular Week of Action. Our Goal is for AT LEAST 10 folks to make an appointment and give blood between now and May 5th. So SleevesUp! and help us reach our goal by making and keeping an appointment to give blood with the American Red Cross. #CNYHAblooddrive #SleevesUp #SecularAction #SecularValues #WeekOfAction

4/27 Community Tree Planting with Onondaga Earth Corps

201 Beacon Rd, Syracuse

04-27-2024, 10:00 AM

Who would like to do some outdoor volunteer work during the Secular Week of Action? If so, join us on Saturday 4/27 supporting the Onondaga Earth Corps planting some trees in Eastwood. Wear your CNYHA shirt!

Sign-in at the event is at 10:00am; we will begin planting at 10:30am. Please wear close-toed shoes and clothes are are appropriate for the weather. This event is hosted by OEC and spaces are limited, so please sign up via signupgenius.

Hope to see you there!