Raising Freethinkers Virtual Book Study: Recommended Reads

Raising Freethinkers: A Practical Guide for Parenting Beyond Belief
By Dale McGowan, Molleen Matsumura, Amanda Metskas, Jan Devor
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Starting in February of this year, the website Secular Parenting has been holding a virtual book club to encrouage nonreligious parents across the country and around the world to connect with each other to discuss the same book.

Throughout the virtual book study, people have connected on Facebook and Twitter and in person to discuss the book Raising Freethinkers: A Practical Guide for Parenting Beyond Belief (Dale McGowan, Molleen Matsumura, Amanda Metskas, Jan Devor).

During our conversations, we have recommended many books to each other. Here is a list of them, divided into sections that reflect the chapter titles. Books for parents are at the bottom. Enjoy!

*As of 04 feb 2016, I have added books up to Chapters 5/6, Book Study Question 7


Ch. 1: The Inquiring Mind

Critical thinking, independent thinking, promoting a sense of wonder

Ch. 2: Living and Teaching Ethics in Your Family

Empathy, ethics, acting on principles vs. blindly following rules

Ch. 3: Secular Family, Religious World

Religious literacy, inoculation against indoctrination, diversity of cultures

Ch. 4: The Physical Self

Sex-positive parenting, body-positivity, sexuality, relationships, sexual identity, gender identity

Ch. 5: Ingredients of a Life Worth Living

Nothing so far...

Ch. 6: Celebrating Life

Celebrations, holidays, ceremonies, traditions

Ch. 7: Death and Life

Death, grieving, making the most of life

Ch. 8: Finding and Creating Community

Nothing yet...

Ch. 9: The Grab Bag

Nothing yet...

Books for Parents

Books on related topics aimed at parents/adults